It's funny how short life is, and the fact that most people don't realize this early. I was personally thinking about how old I am currently and projecting how old I'll be in the next 10 years. I sometimes even think about how long I might live.
I know religiously (if you are a believer), we pray for long life and additionally for prosperity, but what determines "premature death"? Is it the age? The cause of death? Or what exactly?
To me, the most important thing is not necessarily the length of life, but how well I lived it. And as a believer in God, I say I'm more concerned with the impact made, more than the years lived (not as though I don't desire a long and beautiful life). I'm just concerned that we live our lives asking for longer years when there are not preparations or efforts to show that we value how far we've lived.
This is a short one, but perhaps if it draws you to think about how to live your life to fulfillment, it was worth it.
Cheers. ✌️
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Joshua Francis.Yo, brother.