Just keep Building. Don't complain; don't explain; don't murmur; don't whine; don't prove yourself (well, not every time.) Just keep building.
I think the advise to keep building is the best advice I've ever been given. In fact, I designed a special material for it, hosting the pictures of a few inspirations in my life. (Below.)
I can't really say I have my whole life planned out. Well, it is well planned out. But only God knows the map. I'm just doing the best I can to follow that plan in the most focused way I can. Some people will hear me say that and think that I am bluffing. I think when people say they admire you, they are mistaken to say they admire what you have or are enjoying. Some of which things might not be your merit and that's often why you get shocked. Well, at least, I get surprised by those compliments.
I have enjoyed some benefits in the 25.9 years I've been alive. Sometimes I question if God is partial to gift me these things. Maybe, He could do things to whoever He wishes to. Yet, I have discovered that some gifts are actually merit-able. Like a quote rightly said:
Things don't just happen, things happen just...
No one really understands what that just is or what justs one must have engaged without really knowing that certain remarkable gifts will be attributed or accrued to one's life. It's fascinating how it works but we just understand that it works. We might not have concrete explanations for them, yet we can't neglect their manifestations.
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and how it affects Netintui. Now, frankly, with the critiques I've been getting (some subtle and some harsh), I pay attention to them, but some part of me really wants to prove myself. And that's not bad. What is unhealthy is just trying to prove people wrong. (Though, proving oneself might prove people wrong. And should happen in that order.) Also, some people really don't know what they are taking about.
What I intend to prove is that it's possible, for someone from here, to build something valuable and could be used by millions of people around the world. And I will --so help me God.
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Ulaw.Yes. It's possible.