Mysterious Consciousness
When you let the unconscious become conscious, you will call it fate~ James Clear.You've gotten so used to it that's why you have no hassle doing it, it's now normal-your second nature.Walking into my friend's room has always been the worse moment of my day. Why? Because the fragrance of her deodorant was never anticipated by me. I'll say, I've thought about it several times,"why she would purchase such"?Well, I walked into that same room but this time the fragrance felt pleasant to me. I don't know why( well, I do now) I thought about the fragrance, loved and accepted it.This happened because, I still had to walk into that same room, got used to the fragrance and moved on with life like nothing happened... My unconsciousness presented it to me several times and I finally gave in.This happens to everyone, I tell you one tends have standards and boundaries but keeps walking into the same room where you find the opposite of YOU. I mean, what do you expect, A CHANGE.Life is not complicated as we all think, set the boundaries and stand up for it. It's that simple. If you don't love it, don't walk into that room.