This Song Makes Me Cry
Almost every time I listen to this song, it makes me cry. I don't seem to know why. But, I think it's what the song makes me remember. The other thing is the current emotional challenges I am facing: working as hard and as often as I do on Netintui is taking a real toll on me emotionally, physically, and spiritually.I know you want to know the song and probably find it online. The song is by The Secret Place and it's titled Morning Light. Here's the cover below.I meditate with it. I read the Scriptures with it. And it also makes me cry when I do the latter. (That's a whole new level of experience.) But, like my mentor Jim Rohn said, "Let life touch you." I think I'm being vulnerable for life to reveal itself to me. To cry is a remarkable experience, if it's not for a sad purpose. Having a heart that's malleable to experience and relate with life's various happenings is a gift every human should offer themselves.Learn to cry, to laugh out loud, to feel pain. Learn to let sad things make you sad and happy things make you happy. You don't have to experience them first-hand before you experience the emotions. Be able to relate, regardless. I love what the Bible says about Jesus. It says Jesus is able to relate to our infirmities; he's able to relate to our pain, our suffering, our lack, and our hurt. That's powerful! Jesus is able to relate to the loss of a loved one, loneliness, poverty, lack, sadness, pain, sin, rejection, whatever it is. That's POWERFUL! You have to be really skilful to become that competent to relate to other people's difficulties, without really experiencing them first-hand.You know, when you can relate with others, you can better communicate. You can better empathize with others. I love that. That's powerful.Another honourable mention is I Exhault Three - Instrumental by Rivers and Robots. Great work.